One I Made Earlier – Becka’s story of the arrival of Oliver

Becka had been trying for over 8 months to conceive after a previous miscarriage. Tests at the hospital did not reveal any on-going problems or reasons why she would not be able to conceive naturally.

She stated that her period was usually on day 26 and that the menstruation was old blood, never fresh. She felt under pressure to conceive as all her friends seemed to be falling pregnant at the time.

I asked her to monitor her ovulation e.g. cervical mucus, what was the consistency (sticky, white, nothing) also, what day of her cycle this landed on and to report back to me on her next treatment.

Approach taken:

After listening to Becka the approach I took was to treat using hormonal balance technique to try and lengthen the period cycle by a few days.

Her first treatment was day 24 of her cycle and she usually had a period on day 26. Becka came back for her 2nd treatment after 10 days and stated that she shad tarted her period on day 27 (cycle lengthened by 1 day). This was good considering her first treatment was on day 24! She was now on day 8 of her cycle with no signs of ovulation as yet.

Becka then texted me on day 11 to state she had signs of sticky cervical mucus. In short I continued to give treatments and work on balancing her cycle and to stimulate ovulation at the correct time of the month.

The Result!

After receiving 7 treatments over the period of 8 weeks I was informed that Becka had fallen pregnant.

After receiving her due date it transpires that Becka had actually conceived 2 weeks before her last treatment. There had been a change to her last menstruation as it had only been spotting and not painful. Turns out she was already pregnant and the bleeding was an implantation sign, not menstruation.

A health baby boy, Oliver, eventually arrived. Thank you, Becca, for allowing me to use these images of you and lovely Oliver.

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